Honoring the lives lost or impacted by drug overdose

  • Sarah B.

    1985 – 2022

    Sarah had a laugh that could fill a room and a heart that could fill the world. She was the friend who would stay up all night just to make sure you were okay, even when she wasn’t. Her light was bright, even in the darkest times. Though addiction took her too soon, her spirit of kindness and love will forever warm our hearts. We miss you, Sarah—every day, in every way.

  • Jason R

    1992 – 2021

    Jay lived life on his own terms—wild, free, and unapologetically himself. He was the guy who would show up to a party with nothing but his guitar and a smile, and somehow that was enough. He fought hard against his demons, but in the end, they took him from us. We’ll always remember Jay for his music, his laughter, and the way he made every moment feel like an adventure. Rock on, Jay. We’ll keep the beat going down here.

  • Emily T.

    1978 – 2023

    Emily was a quiet force of nature—gentle, yet unyielding in her love for those around her. She had a way of making you feel seen, even when you felt invisible. Addiction tried to dim her light, but even in her struggle, she shone with a rare and beautiful grace. Emily’s life was a testament to the strength of the human spirit, and her memory will forever remind us to fight for those we love.

  • Michael H.

    1965 – 2022

    Michael was a warrior—a man who faced life’s battles head-on, with grit, determination, and a touch of dark humor. He wasn’t afraid to laugh at the absurdity of it all, even when things got tough. Addiction may have claimed him, but it never broke his spirit. We honor Michael by remembering his strength and the way he could find light, even in the darkest of times. We miss you, old man. Your fight is over, but your legacy lives on.

  • Olivia C.

    2000 – 2023

    Olivia was a dreamer, full of hope and boundless creativity. She saw the world not just as it was, but as it could be—a place of beauty, color, and endless possibilities. Her battle with addiction was a hard one, but she never stopped believing in something better. In her honor, we carry forward her dreams, her hopes, and her vision for a brighter world. Rest easy, Olivia. Your light guides us still.

  • James P.

    1989 – 2022

    Jimmy was the life of the party—the guy who could make anyone laugh, even on their worst day. He had a wicked sense of humor and a heart full of love, even if he didn’t always show it. Addiction tried to steal his joy, but it couldn’t take away the laughter he left behind. We’ll remember Jimmy for the good times, the jokes, and the way he made us all feel a little lighter. Cheers to you, Jimmy. Keep them laughing up there.